Pastors Mike & Yvonne Brownie
Pastor Mike Brownie and First Lady Yvonne Brownie have served at Rehoboth New Life Center since 2009 and previously served at Apostolic Tabernacle Church in Benton Harbor, Michigan for over 28 years. As the primary teaching pastor, he has a passion for digging deep into the Word and carefully uncovering the profound truths of Scripture. He faithfully cares for the flock with love and humility, serving them with as much strength as the Lord gives him. Sister Brownie is the church’s worship leader, chorale director, and executive assistant. Not only does she minister inside the church building, but she serves the flock in her everyday life by helping them with housework, meeting to talk and eat, and inviting our young ladies into her and Pastor Brownie’s home for fellowship. She oversees Rehoboth’s Annual Women’s Prayer Breakfast, a God-given event created to encourage and strengthen women called to the Lord’s purpose. Pastor and Sister Brownie have four adult children and have been married for 46 years.
Assistant Pastors Chris & Jessica Brownie
Chris and his wife Jessica’s main responsibility is teaching and leading Rehoboth’s hyphen (18-35 yo) and children’s Sunday school departments. Chris is also the lead musician in Rehoboth’s praise team and chorale. He also regularly preaches and teaches at Sunday evangelistic services and Tuesday night Bible studies. Jessica also occasionally preaches at Sunday evangelistic services. With revelations of God’s great power and love, they have been called to reach those who do not know Christ with boldness and authority. They have five children.

Assistant Pastors Nick & Robin Hatton
Nick and Robin’s main responsibility is teaching and leading Rehoboth’s youth department (12-18 yo). With love and prayer, they encourage our teenagers to walk humbly and obediently before the Lord. Nick regularly preaches at Sunday evangelistic services and Robin also occasionally does so. Nick’s transparent and relatable teaching style and Robin’s caring and affectionate leadership help the youth to open up. Nick and Robin have three children.